Bits and Pieces


Taking the leap, being fearless.
Setting boundaries, however they work for you.
What’s at the end of your Rainbow.
Coaching in London Bridge back in 2019, I love Borough market.
Breathe, smile, contemplate.
You can aim as high as you want to
Share your best side with the world
Life & your career is a roller coaster, ups, downs and some scary shit.  Fun though.
Every step is interesting. Sometimes you need to rest here and there…sometimes you bound up quickly.


“Coaching is unlocking people’s potential to maximise their own performance. It is more often helping them to learn rather than teaching them.”

John Whitmore, founder of the GROW model of coaching.

“Habits are like financial capital – forming one today is an investment that will automatically give out returns for years to come.”

Shawn Anchor, author The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success and Performance At Work.

“Dreams are extremely important. You can’t do it unless you imagine it.”

George Lucas, director, business owner, overall film genius.


Please click this link below to find some books I would recommend or that have been recommended to me…on my bookshop. When I coach groups or teams I will often buy bespoke development books for the people I coach and then encourage them to share them with each other and teach their learning. Ask me for more on that…

An example…..a favourite…..a book from the Do series.  Highlights the importance of Purpose, an area that we cover in-depth in coaching.  Translates this importance into business situations and highlights how certain companies are amazing at being purpose-driven.


Listen to SoulCycle: Julie Rice & Elizabeth Cutler from How I Built This with Guy Raz on Apple Podcasts.

The importance of well-being and it being normal to doubt yourself, even if you play music in front of full stadiums. 

Being able to change and inspire others. Huge, monumental change is possible.


Some great tips in here that help my clients reach really high in their career aspirations.  Showcases that many people feel imposter syndrome and that they are under qualified, a very common element that appears in people of all ages and experience whilst coaching.

FastCompany – how to land a job your not qualified for.

Some of the imagery I love featured on here are available to by direct from the artist: